Pinal county gis records. Flood Control Viewer.

Pinal county gis records Pinal County Surface Transportation Infrastructure. Arizona State Land Department 1110 W Washington St: Phone: 602. GIS Data Distribution. Pinal County GIS data approved for distribution can be requested by the public. at the Pinal County Administrative Complex Emergency Operations Center located at 301 E. Any of our archived parcel maps may be purchased at our Florence office. Cyber Security Resources Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. πŸ—ΊοΈπŸ” Find crime maps, property records, and more. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Can I go online for information and services? Pinal County’s website provides access to a lot of the same information and services. S. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888 Property divisions of ten acres or less in unincorporated Pinal County require an application and approval from Pinal County Planning and Development Services prior to deeds being recorded. Call the Citizen's Contact Center. Government Agencies Pinal County was formed from portions of Maricopa and Pima counties on February 1, 1875, in response to the petition of residents of the upper Gila River Valley. pdf (577,695 bytes, PDF created 12/15/2022 ) Projection: NAD83 HPGN : Rectification Pinal County, City of Apache Junction: Spring 2020 Engineering Analysis Pinal County, City of Apache Junction: December 2020 Draft Maps Pinal County, City of Apache Junction: January 29, 2021 Flood Risk Review (FRR) Meeting Pinal County, City of Apache Junction: December 5, 2023 Preliminary Maps Issued What is my zoning? The zoning of your property depends on the property's location. Public Notice is hereby given that all Planning Get FREE PINAL COUNTY PROPERTY RECORDS directly from 16 Arizona gov't offices & 20 official property records databases. Cartography Division. 1110 West Washington Street, Suite 310 The Pinal County Treasurer's Office (PCTO) makes every reasonable effort to maintain accurate data for the map as a service to the community. cabinet/slide/lot Pinal County, home to nearly 400,000 residents and larger than the State of Connecticut, has 12 incorporated and several unincorporated communities within its borders. Map Name: Pinal County Parcels Legend All Layers and Tables Dynamic Legend Dynamic All Layers Layers: Pinal County Parcels (0) Property divisions of ten acres or less in unincorporated Pinal County require an application and approval from Pinal County Planning and Development Services prior to deeds being recorded. AcreValue helps you locate parcels, property lines, and ownership information for land online, eliminating the need for plat books. We care about our citizens, our employees, and our service. Please search for your parcel by address or parcel number (no spaces or dashes between the numbers) and activate the Zoning Layer on the drop-down menu on the left. e. Zoom to The Assessor's Office primary mission is to locate, identify and appraise at current market value, locally assessed property in Pinal County for ad valorem tax purposes (taxation based on the value of property) as well as the valuation of manufactured housing and business personal property and maintains the ownership information for each parcel and updates the records when property is sold Pinal County Land Ownership - pinallnd sourced: File name: pinalown: Spatial domain: Pinal County: Abstract: pinalown displays land ownership and boundaries of Pinal County. Pinal County GIS data approved for distribution is made available to government agencies and the public. Updated 2023. 4631 Phoenix, AZ 85007 Find it in Google Maps About Beacon and qPublic. Prices: Commercial Use: $995 per disc; Non-Commercial Use: $150 per disc; Overnight service is not available. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 Pinal County Assessor P. View our videos and see what our fellow staff members have to Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. The distribution happens in a few ways. πŸ πŸ“„ Search by parcel number, owner, or address to get the information you need. These four sections are given the following designation: Book: 200; Map: 49; Parcel: 047; Split: A; A map of each parcel is created by our Cartography Division and saved on the Pinal County Assessor website. Voter Data Public Records Request (PDF) Pinal County Pinal County complies with the provisions of Title 39 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, also known as the Public Records Act. Please visit our new one by using. Pinal County Assessor 31 N Pinal Street Building E Florence, AZ 85132. net. Review the different types of Public Records Requests before submitting a request. Judiciary ; Courts ; Departments ; How do I? Court Forms ; Superior Court of Pinal County P. , Political Subdivisions) including the community college, school districts, fire districts, sanitary districts, water and irrigation districts, various improvement districts, flood The Pinal County Transportation Planning Section works to promote sustainable growth throughout the region, and provide accessibility through the planning and development of a safe and efficient multi-modal transportation system that supports the economic vitality of the area, protects the environment, facilitates efficient system management and operation, and emphasizes the preservation of View In: ArcGIS JavaScript ArcGIS Online Map Viewer ArcGIS Earth ArcGIS Pro Service Description: This spatial dataset was published by the Casa Grande GIS Division. Access tools to provide you with the support services needed to properly evaluate the business opportunities in Pinal County including the Arizona Department of Commerce, Arizona Department of Revenue, and local community organizations. Pinal County FIPS Code: 04021. Search 248,266 parcel records and views insights like land ownership information, soil maps, and elevation. (§A. MANDATE The Pinal County Treasurer is the custodian of public monies, responsible for the collection and distribution of the personal and real property taxes levied by the county and various taxing entities (i. Home; My Account; Website Sign In For a more interactive experience please sign in. 542. 46 - $23. m. The Voter / District Boundaries map viewer allows users to search by address or name for voter and district boundary information. caution! users should independently research and verify information within this dataset or map before relying on it. Pinal County Streets: File name: pinalsts: Spatial domain: Pinal County: Abstract: pinalsts displays the street network of Pinal County. Pinal County disclaims any responsibility or liability for any direct or indirect damages resulting from use of the data and information on this site. 43 GIS jobs available in Pinal County, AZ on Indeed. The objective of the Community Development Departments is to guide the development of the County through effective measures of planning, design review, construction plan approval, code compliance, and environmental health to preserve and enhance the quality of life for the residents of Pinal County. parcel number. Local Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free: 888-431-1311 Search. Would you like to download Pinal County gis parcel maps? Request a quote Order Now! Create and export shapefiles from the GIS database. However, this map is provided without guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, and PCTO does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or sequencing of data contained herein, and PCTO expressly disclaims any responsibility Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Rather than saying what we do, we say why we do it. Known errors/qualifications: Land ownership is based on source materials from various state & federal agencies. Feature type: polygon: Feature count: 30 Thumbnail Map: pin_zipc. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888 To record an instrument in Pinal County, the property or thing must be located in Pinal County, but if only personal rights are affected thereby, then the parties must reside in Pinal County. The FEMA maps are updated regularly and a parcel’s zone designation or flood depth can change at any time. If you are within an incorporated city or town, check with the local Planning and Zoning office prior to recording deeds to insure the property division Search. GIS, short for Geographic Information Systems, provides geographic information based on maps or databases. 08 - $1,862. 11TH Street Florence, AZ 85132; Statement of Meeting Posting Locations: Pursuant to A. Pinal County Zip Codes: File name: pin_zipc: Spatial domain: Pinal County: Abstract: pin_zipc displays the zip code areas of Pinal County. Home; Our County; GIS Data Request. Pinal County Property Records (Arizona) Public Records for Pinal County, Arizona include 96,163 properties with a median sale price of $363,000, most buildings were constructed between 1996 and 2015, with some properties dating back to as early as 1879. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM), 14%, and the remaining 6% is other public lands. Being the fastest-growing county in Arizona means that we have to have a dynamic workforce. CountyOffice. The Pinal County Public Works Road Maintenance safely maintains and repairs roads, bridges, traffic signs, guardrails, and cattle guards. Please click on the below tabs to learn more about the three main types. Violation of County policy regarding GIS data use may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Pinal County government and non-government sources. It is the goal of Addressing to provide accurate address information to anyone who may need it. What is the purpose of the Pinal County Flood Control District? The Pinal County Sheriff’s Office complies with the provisions of Title 39 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, also known as the Public Records Act. About Us ADWR Strategic Plan and Annual Reports GIS Data Center Pinal County. Find and access Pinal County, AZ tax records including assessments, liens, and payments. Assessor Pinal County Assessor 31 N. Required Postings . Explore all GIS and Mapping in Pinal County, Arizona. owners name. Home; Our County; Offices & Departments; Development Services; Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. We are a county animal care and rabies control facility Pinal County Animal Care and Control (PCACC) strives to continue to be a humane lifesaving operation, that provides quality care for homeless animals while servicing the public, keeping communities educated, and ensuring the safety of people and animals in Pinal County. Feb 16, 2023 Β· Pursuant to Open Meeting Law, meetings are normally held on the Third Thursday of the month at 9:00 a. Phone: 520-509-3555 The Pinal County APNs usually appear as one continuous string (20049047A) but actually have 4 parts (200-49-047-A). 28 Hourly. Explore Pinal County, Arizona with interactive maps and data layers using the ArcGIS web application. From soil survey 703. See how you can be a part of it. Earthstar Geographics | . Last Updated: 2024-Q3 Total Population: 351,709. Quick Links. Phone: 520-509-3555. Looking for Pinal County Assessor's Office property tax assessments, tax rates & GIS? Quickly find Assessor phone number, directions & records (Florence, AZ). Box 1748 971 N Jason Lopez Circle, Building A Florence, AZ The objective of the Community Development Departments is to guide the development of the County through effective measures of planning, design review, construction plan approval, code compliance, and environmental health to preserve and enhance the quality of life for the residents of Pinal County. Fax: 520-866-6403 Community development. GIS. $1,637. Information about the ownership, characteristics, and valuation of each piece of land is reordered and tracked by parcel number. Please allow approximately 30 minutes to create DVDs and large maps. 162 acres. Pinal County has a great surface transportation system including: Interstates, federal highways, state highways, county highways and In the spirit of cooperation and stewardship of data for the citizens of Pinal County, the Pinal County Assessor's Office gladly provides its data to local and regional government agencies with the understanding that: Such data will not, under any circumstances, be used or distributed for commercial gain or profit. In-Office Requests. We make a conscious effort to correct drainage issues, solve various roadway problems and assist other divisions with projects. Known errors/qualifications: Feature type: polygon: Feature count: 285 Thumbnail Map 19 GIS Entry Level jobs available in Pinal County, AZ on Indeed. The DVD Pinal County Recorder 31 N. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 Economic Development Asset Tool. gov/ Contact. Any government agency that would like to share GIS data with Pinal County can begin this process by contacting the Pinal County GIS group. If you are within an incorporated city or town, check with the local Planning and Zoning office prior to recording deeds to insure the property division AcreValue helps you locate parcels, property lines, and ownership information for land online, eliminating the need for plat books. Voter Data Public Records Request (PDF) Pinal County Pinal County offers a Recording Notification Service, free to the public. Pinal County Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311. Archived Parcel Maps on DVD. It’s available 24/7. Apply to GIS Specialist, Specialist, Environmental Inspector and more! Find the zoning of any property in Pinal County, Arizona with this latest zoning map and zoning code. . You may visit our online portal or come in person to visit our main Sheriff's office or one of our PCSO substations. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 IT strives to keep current in technology and to provide County-wide data processing and telecommunications direction in an effective and cost-efficient manner. 7. been retired. Pinal County 311 is Pinal County government’s new telephone number to find any government programs and services within the boundaries of the County. Our Mission is to reduce the risk of flooding to life and property by managing our floodplains, regulating development, identifying flood hazards, and by providing public outreach and response. Home; Our County; Offices & Departments; Development Services; Public Works; Public Works Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 NETR Online • Pinal • Pinal Public Records, Search Pinal Records, Pinal Property Tax, Arizona Property Search, Arizona Assessor Of the 3,439,369 acres that comprise Pinal County, the state of Arizona is the county's largest landholder with 35%, followed by individuals and corporations, 22%; Indian reservations, 23%; the U. Disclaimer. Skip to Main Content. If you can't find something. The AcreValue Pinal County, AZ plat map, sourced from the Pinal County, AZ tax assessor, indicates the property boundaries for each parcel of land, with information about the landowner, the parcel number, and the total acres. The County reserves the express right to monitor, in any way, the activities of the employee while accessing the GIS data. The County presents the information on this web site as a service to the public. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 Of the 3,439,369 acres that comprise Pinal County, the state of Arizona is the county's largest landholder with 35%, followed by individuals and corporations, 22%; Indian reservations, 23%; the U. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. this direct link or by visiting our Pinal County Pinal County GIS Cartography Specialist. Search. Maps and DVDs are created at the time of the request using the up-to-date information. Pinal County wants your suggestions to help us improve our online services. Records include Pinal County property tax assessments, deeds & title records, property ownership, building permits, zoning, land records, GIS maps & more! This Pinal County Assessor Parcel Map Viewer has. property address. Pinal County complies with the provisions of Title 39 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, also known as the Public Records Act. Known errors/qualifications: pinalsts was update from Pinal County file GDB Centerlines feature class. The Pinal County Recorder’s Offices is prohibited from: Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Users can search or browse the map and retrieve information maintained by the Pinal County Assessor and GIS. See more information. Find the right commercial, retail or industrial site in Pinal County with GIS, demographic and business data. What is my zoning? The zoning of your property depends on the property's location. Acres features 619 sold land records in Pinal County with a median price per acre of $8,847. Pinal County makes no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information provided in this application. Pinal County, Arizona Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. This flood zone determination is based on the most current Flood Insurance Rate Maps of Pinal County and is believed to be accurate and reliable. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 In the spirit of cooperation and stewardship of data for the citizens of Pinal County, the Pinal County Assessor's Office gladly provides its data to local and regional government agencies with the understanding that: Such data will not, under any circumstances, be used or distributed for commercial gain or profit. GIS Maps including enterprise, transportation, flood control, parks and recreation. Home; Our County; (GIS) data. Parcel Search - Street Segment Search. $20. Mailing Address: P. Tax laws that fall under the department's purview are primarily in the areas of income, transaction privilege (sales), use, luxury, withholding, property, estate, fiduciary, bingo, and severance. Public Data Distribution. O. Cyber Security Resources Pinal County makes no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information provided in this application. Once the property is located, users can view and / or print a map. Review technical documents, deeds, and other records to update ownership and to evaluate data quality. Its also know as pin_stcl. Known errors/qualifications: Unknown. The DVD IT strives to keep current in technology and to provide County-wide data processing and telecommunications direction in an effective and cost-efficient manner. Use this form to submit a request for GIS Data. Pinal County has a great surface transportation system including: Interstates, federal highways, state highways, county highways and Explore Pinal County, AZ land records for land ownership verification, property deeds online, and detailed land parcel information. Total Parcels: 272,083 parcels. com. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 The Voter / District Boundaries map viewer allows users to search by address or name for voter and district boundary information. Feature type: polygon: Feature count: 828 County Governments of Arizona; County Manager; D1 Quicklinks; Development - Top Services Landing Page; Disposal Quick Links; Disposal Useful Links; District Supervisors Quick Links; Econ Dev - Key Econ Indicator Links; Economic Development - County Infrastructure; Economic Development - Resources; Elections; Elections - Election Results Pinal County Assessor 31 N Pinal Street Building E Florence, AZ 85132. Flood Control Viewer. click here for more information. Pinal County Search. Box 709 Florence, AZ 85132 Attn. https://az. Pima Cnty: Abstract: Displays soil types for Eastern and Central Pima County and Southwestern Pinal County. Phone: 520 At Pinal County, we are more than just a job. Try using the search engine to see if your information can be found there. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 Pinal County was formed from portions of Maricopa and Pima counties on February 1, 1875, in response to the petition of residents of the upper Gila River Valley. 17 Biweekly. The mission of the Arizona Department of Revenue is to administer tax laws fairly and efficiently for the people of Arizona. Pinal County 31 N Pinal The Pinal County APNs usually appear as one continuous string (20049047A) but actually have 4 parts (200-49-047-A). The DVD Pinal County GIS data approved for distribution is made available to government agencies and the public. If you can't find something, let us know. Public Records Request. Voter Data Public Records Request (PDF) Pinal County parcel search. Find property records, vital records, inmate and court records, professional and business licenses, contractor licenses and much more. How do I schedule an inspection on my building permit or request a Certificate of Occupancy? The dedicated inspection line number is 520-866-6299. Cyber Security Resources Pinal County complies with the provisions of Title 39 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, also known as the Public Records Act. Home; Our County; Offices & Departments; Assessor; Divisions; Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Find other city and county zoning info here at ZoningPoint. Home; Our County; Offices & Departments Pinal County Zip Codes The Assessor's Office primary mission is to locate, identify and appraise at current market value, locally assessed property in Pinal County for ad valorem tax purposes (taxation based on the value of property) as well as the valuation of manufactured housing and business personal property and maintains the ownership information for each parcel and updates the records when property is sold Pinal County GIS data approved for distribution is made available to government agencies and the public. Explore Pinal County, AZ with our comprehensive directory of urban planning maps, GIS records, tax maps, and parcel data. Search Pinal County property tax and assessment records by owner name, property address or parcel number. All for free. There are two options to request records. A parcel number, abbreviated as APN (Assessor Parcel Number), is a unique descriptor used to identify assessed property within Pinal County. We have tried to ensure that the information contained in this electronic search system is accurate. General Land Status Viewer The Pinal County Board of Supervisors serves as the District's Board of Directors. Apply to GIS Specialist, Technician, Arborist and more! Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Government Agencies Official Sources for Pinal County Public Records. Update and maintain the GIS database according to policies and procedures. & E. πŸŒπŸ” Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Transportation Subscribe to Property divisions of ten acres or less in unincorporated Pinal County require an application and approval from Pinal County Planning and Development Services prior to deeds being recorded. Physical Geography & GIS Graduate| Outdoorsman · I am a recent California State University Sacramento graduate with a deep passion for Physical Geography and Geographic Information Systems. Community development. Search the Directory. Directions Physical Address: View Map 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Property records show the average building size is 2,034 sq ft on lots averaging 0. In the spirit of cooperation and stewardship of data for the citizens of Pinal County, the Pinal County Assessor's Office gladly provides its data to local and regional government agencies with the understanding that: Such data will not, under any circumstances, be used or distributed for commercial gain or profit. Just fill out and send the GIS Data Request Form along with the appropriate fees and the data will be Pinal County GIS data approved for distribution is made available to government agencies and the public. section/township/range. Requestors of raw GIS data must understand that GIS software or software capable of reading the file formats is required to work with the data in most cases. Offices & Departments. Here you will find required postings, public notices from various departments within Pinal County. Most states and counties provide free online GIS maps, via which people could search for a variety of data about the selected area. Beacon and qPublic. Can't Find What You're Looking for? Get help finding the information you need. R. customer records, and restricted County information. Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. The DVD contains scanned tiff images (maps created prior to 2010) and PDFs of Pinal County Assessor parcel maps through 2018. Address. Phone: 520-509-3555 Pinal County is growing FAST and undergoing so much positive change! We need passionate people to come join our team and help us make Pinal County the best place to live and work in the country!If you have never considered working in government, take a look at what we offer here at Pinal County; we invest in you and your future: accessing the Pinal County GIS data by use of County equipment. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 Search. 11-468) The Pinal County Recorder’s Office does not provide notary services. 2. Pinal Street, Building E, Florence, AZ 85132 Phone (520)866-6361 Fax (520)866-6353 Search. Pinal County Parcel Data Arizona. Pinal County Land Status Pinal County was formed from portions of Maricopa and Pima counties on February 1, 1875, in response to the petition of residents of the upper Gila River pinal county,az assessor tax parcel viewer. §38-431. Research and create custom maps utilizing the GIS database upon request. 02. shp: Feature type: line: Feature count: 43,137 Thumbnail Map Search GIS and Mapping in Pinal County, AZ to access comprehensive information on geographic data, property boundaries, spatial analysis, and mapping tools. Box 726 Florence, AZ 85132. Discover Pinal County, Arizona plat maps and property boundaries. SALARY. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 Pima County Soils: File name: pimasoil: Spatial domain: Cen. 3. net combine both web-based GIS and web-based data reporting tools including CAMA, Assessment and Tax into a single, user friendly web application that is designed with your needs in mind. Pinal Street, Building E, Florence, AZ 85132 Phone (520)866-6830 Fax (520)866-6831 Public Records Request. Learn More About GIS. Please use our interactive Zoning Geographic Information System (GIS) Map. Live ; Work ; Search. subdivision name. If you are within an incorporated city or town, check with the local Planning and Zoning office prior to recording deeds to insure the property division Pinal County complies with the provisions of Title 39 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, also known as the Public Records Act. jypw dhmwm ojly kmamtx awskzbd mwhsg ehjpi ros bkozrdql dfh gzys qrwjor jombgtp fzbi fiwqgcpt